Thursday, April 24, 2008

Step 4 of Fulfilling Your Vision (Aligning Effort)

You have arrived at the last step in your journey to fulfill your vision for your church. With your champions enrolled and well versed in the urgent purpose you have called others to join in; the last step is where the impact is made and the vision takes shape.

Step 4 is the alignment of effort. Alignment is often the missing ingredient in a plan. By creating well defined roles and allowing others the flexibility to execute their portion of the vision, a unified effort brings results. Simple in concept, alignment is frequently overlooked in a volunteer organization such as a church. Leaders tend to not closely coordinate or align volunteer efforts as they would an employed position. Champion volunteers, on the other hand, are aligned first with your urgent purpose, making them more inclined to accept assigned roles and coordinated efforts. Be clear in your expectations of your champions and check in with them often to monitor their progress. Ensure they have reasonable timelines and the necessary support and resources.

It is important that each person involved not only understand their role, but also understand the role of other champions. Moving from the “big picture” to an individual’s specific role allows self-coordination and greater creativity without interfering with other roles. By using a “tight-loose-tight” oversight approach, you can appropriately manage a unified effort while allowing the personal touch of individual effort.

The initial “tight” is the definition of your urgent purpose. A vague purpose statement will not fulfill your vision. Create the expectation among champions that everyone will strive for the same, highly defined goal. Once the “tight” expectation is established through your urgent purpose definition and described during your focused communication phase, you can then allow a more “loose” approach to execution. Allow champions a great deal of latitude in executing their part of the plan. Encourage new approaches and different avenues. The final “tight” is in the expectation of timelines and end results that represent successful execution of the vision. “Tight-loose-tight” will inspire your team to individualize the effort while at the same time stay on goal.

By aligning effort your momentum is more likely to overcome negative opinions or political maneuvering by those desiring the status quo or an alternative direction. The alignment establishes your individual champions as a team of highly coordinated and inspired ambassadors for the cause. They will find strength in their coordination and satisfaction in the part they play. Celebrate with them as you reach your desired destination and realize the purpose for which God has called your church.

Here are links to all 4 steps:

Step One - Engaging Ministry Champions
Step Two - Defining an Urgent Purpose
Step Three - Focused Communication
Step Four - Aligning Effort