We all need a moment in time where we are certain about where we are so we can clearly see where we need to go. A time of weekly review provides that point in time.
Several practical descriptions exist regarding the format of the weekly review -- Google "weekly review" for a list. Personalizing your review is very important. By creating a set time each week with a structured format that you will review your status, you will decrease the time spent on execution, re-work and inefficient processing.
The weekly review is intended to give you a perspective on where you are in your march toward your goals. It is a time to re-align the pieces of your work with the overall master plan. Details are properly stored in accessible forms and places so that actions in the coming weeks are thoughtfully executed in alignment with your goals. Reviews of this nature give you the confidence of knowing you are progressing in the desire direction.
Use these guiding questions to create an effective review in your weekly routine:
- What action items did I commit to this week that are not yet in an actionable format?
- What elements of my work did not go as planned this week and what adjustments do I need to make to bring them in line with my goals for next week?
- What resources do I need to get in place for next week's work to be more efficient and on time?
- What action items am I carrying that I can delete from my list?
- Which of my assumptions changed during the past week and what is the impact on my goals?
- Is my calendar complete for next week with enough detail to get me to the right place, at the right time with the right materials?
- Did I pick up additional information this week that needs to be added to or updated in my "Contacts" list?
- What materials did I collect that I don't need to keep?
- What is one thing I can change about my work pattern to increase my efficiency next week?
- Which of my goals require greater focus this week to stay on schedule?
Incorporate a weekly review in your routine to gain a sense of calm and accomplishment.